I've finished the bits and pieces for the rudder bar assembly.
I wanted to represent the corrugations in the heel troughs. The obvious way to do this is to score a series of parallel lines on a piece of plastic card. To be true to scale, though, there would have to be 6 or 7 scored lines in a space of about 2mm, and I couldn't think of a way of doing this while keeping the spacing regular. But bearing in mind that nobody will be able to see the finished result, I decided to just do a few scored lines by hand. I had a few goes on a piece of plastic card and then when I had got something that looked reasonable, I cut a strip the right width and added side walls from plastic strip, with results very much like this:
I made a single long piece, as you can see above, and then cut off lengths with a guillotine:The rudder bar is just 0.5mm plastic rod, with tiny little strips of brass sheet bent to shape for the toeholds. The brake pedals are slices of 1mm plastic rod, sanded down between two pieces of wet and dry, and then attached to small lengths of plastic strip. The bits for the adjusting gear are a mixture of plastic card and metal rod (nickel steel and brass).
Here are all the bits, waiting to be painted and assembled:
Next, the instrument panel. I'm quite looking forward to it.
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