Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sopwith Dolphin - rigging continues

Rigging continues very slowly. I'd forgotten how fiddly it is. Anyway, I've settled into a routine where I do a few lengths per session and then, every so often, when I can summon up the courage, bring up the soldering iron and wave it over the ones I've done to tauten them up, like a big scary magic wand.

You'll notice there's a wheel missing now. That's another regular job - reattaching bits that have fallen off. As it happens, the length of axle for that wheel was a bit long compared to the other one, but I hadn't dared do anything about it for fear of pulling the whole undercarriage to bits. But the other day it just fell off, so I could trim the axle after all. That was quite lucky.

So nearly there now. Just the Lewis gun to add after the rigging. I was going to steal one from one of my unbuilt kits, so I had a look at what I had available, and decided to use one from a Roden Brisfit. But after doing a coat of paint, I wasn't satisfied with it. The attachment point for the sprue leaves a little blob on the barrel which is almost impossible to clean up properly. So I've sent off to Hannants for another Mini World one. They knock the socks off anything you get in a kit.

Actually, there will be one more detail to add. I've got some RFC figures from Eduard, and so I'm going to add a figure representing Lt Worthington posing with his plane, as those chaps were wont to do. My reference (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 48) has a few slightly indistinct pictures of him, and I can be certain that he was a man with a face and some hair. So that's useful.

Lt Worthington is in there somewhere
More soon hopefully.

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