Sunday, 14 April 2013

Sopwith Dolphin - finished

I never really thought I'd say this, but the Dolphin is finished. A bit of mud on the undercarriage, the Mini World Lewis gun painted and installed, and the pitot tube glued on again (twice), and there you are. I'm now going to find a display case for it, then do the scenic base. Matt from the Wargames Table has kindly lent me some static grass and Vallejo acrylics, so I'm going to be studying his blog closely to see how he does it.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sopwith Dolphin - rigging continues

Rigging continues very slowly. I'd forgotten how fiddly it is. Anyway, I've settled into a routine where I do a few lengths per session and then, every so often, when I can summon up the courage, bring up the soldering iron and wave it over the ones I've done to tauten them up, like a big scary magic wand.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Sopwith Dolphin - rigging started

Well, sorry about the long silence. About 6 months ago, I seem to remember saying something to the effect that it was all over bar the rigging. Then I actually started doing the rigging, and suddenly I seemed to hit a brick wall. It's quite simple in principle, the technique I use, and I've used it on two previous projects (my only two previous projects, actually). You just prepaint some stretched sprue (see earlier post), cut lengths of it and stick the lengths into place. And that, in previous projects, was that.