Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Sopwith Dolphin - nearly finished

I've made a bit more progress this evening and suddenly it's nearly finished.

Here's the propeller after some paint and some Satin Cote applied liberally by airbrush:

And here's another view. You'll see I've added the tailskid and the Lewis guns:
And that's nearly it. Just the control horns and rigging to go now. I might also splash a bit of dried mud on the undercarriage and tailskid.

Then I'm going to get on with other projects that have nothing to do with aircraft and don't require paint or glue.


  1. Fantastic! It's looking superb.

    Well done


  2. It is a beautiful and delicate plane, I congratulate you on the excellent paint job.

    1. Thanks very much. Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I started doing the rigging but I suddenly ran out of motivation, so it might be a while before I take it up again. But I will get it finished one day.
