Friday, 15 April 2011

Sopwith Dolphin - Fuselage Finished

I've just worked out, a bit late, some of the details of the radiator assembly. Dolphins had their radiators mounted each side of the fuselage, and what I've just worked out is that there was a hinged shutter in front of each radiator, which could be extended or retracted to regulate the flow of air through the radiator. The plywood panels were fitted around the shutters, and if you look at the period photos closely, you can see that it wasn't a perfect flush fit. Because I couldn't be bothered to do any research before starting work, I allowed myself to be influenced by the unbuilt kits I have in my possession, and  to consider the shutters as a surface detail. If I had done an adequate amount of research, I would have been able to cut out apertures in the fuselage sides and make the shutters as a separate assembly, and then I could have had them slightly extended.  As it is, I have to leave unarticulated that which could be articulated; to simulate what I could have replicated. Bit of a shame, that.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Sopwith Dolphin - Some Progress

Just to prove that this project is still ongoing, here's how it's looking at the moment. Since the last post, I've mostly been making mistakes and trying to correct them, so the only obvious thing to show for it is that I've added one bit of the starboard fairings for the cylinder heads.