Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sopwith Dolphin - even more faffing about with markings

Today, after all the prolonged agonising over markings, I was actually going to sit down and make some effort to realise them in some form or another. I've been rereading David Copperfield, you may recall, and at this stage I felt some sympathy for Mr Dick and his neverending struggles to get his testimonial onto paper.

Anyway, as soon as I started trying to cut out painting masks, I realised it was a pretty hopeless exercise. There's no way I'm going to get the precise results I want this way. So now I'm revisiting the idea of getting custom decals made. Waterslide decals are very expensive, but dry transfers seem much more affordable and so they look like a feasible option. Of course, you have to get the positioning right first time; but if you tape the sheet in place before wielding the ball-point pen or your preferred burnishing tool, it's not too difficult. So I've started investigating potential suppliers.

More soon, I hope.

Friday, 2 December 2011

From the family archives

Just now, I remembered I had some old family photos that are relevant to this blog. My grandfather served in the RFC in the ground crew and I assume he was somehow connected with this photo, though he doesn't seem to be in it. Maybe there's no connection, and the photo I've got is a copy of a postcard or something. On second thoughts, maybe that's him second from right at the back. At any rate, the plane looks like a Maurice-Farman, for what it's worth.

He's in the next photo though (bottom right).
That ad for the genealogy website isn't lying, you know.
And we all know this feeling: